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The Great Gatsby (2013)

Disks:1 disk

Market Price:$9.99

Flypear Price:$2.00 for (1) Units

Product views:849


* Order between 10-49 DISCS is $5 each DVD , It is $2 each DVD when you order more than 50 DVDs.The Minimum order is 100 DISCS.

Audio Track:

English Dolby Digital 5.1 448kbps

English DTS 5.1 1536kbps




Director Baz Luhrmann Starring Leonardo Dicaprio, Tobey Maguire Supporting actors Amitabh Bachchan, Steve Bisley, Richard Carter, Jason Clarke, Adelaide Clemens, Vince Colosimo, Max Cullen, Mal Day, Elizabeth Debicki, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joel Edgerton, Emmanuel Ekwenski, Eden Falk, Isla Fisher, Emily Foreman, Tiger Leacey Wyvill, Charlize Skinner, Garrett William Fountain A Midwestern war veteran finds himself drawn to the past and lifestyle of his millionaire neighbor.